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Pitch Deck

Original price was: ₹35,500.00.Current price is: ₹15,500.00.

It’s the primary communication tool with the investors. It gives investors a reason to trust that your business is viable and worth investing. It’s a presentation detailing the business objectives, plans to achieve the goals, viable growth metrics, and market analysis. Angel investment and external funding without a customized expert pitch deck is a pointless dream.

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SKU: NI-DP-PD Category: Tags: ,


Desperate to fix a meeting with your investor? Need high-end collaborations to make your business more credible? Planning and designing an effective pitch deck is all about simplifying the complicated business and showcasing the market metrics that leverage future business growth.

Our expert team ensures that your pitch deck is

  • Comprehensive yet easy to interpret.
  • Thoroughly informative with realistic metrics and creates FOMO.
  • Trustable and feasible to scale up the business model

Angel investors are not easy people to convince. But fret not! our experts will provide you with the best pitch deck to make you stay ahead of your competitors. The various include – intro, problem, solution, why Now, Offerings, market, competition, traction, business model, team, financials, and FAQs.

Apart from SWOT analysis, our KPIs include CAC, LTV, NPM, GMV, etc.

But why now? Because we believe to structure your vision in a convincing presentable manner that would fetch revenue to carry the process to the next level.

This is a digital product and will be delivered in pdf and .pptx formats, consisting of 25-30 slides. The delivery time including market research, documentation, visual inclusions, and content optimization will be 20 days.

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